
Showing posts from October, 2019
BLOG 5 A photograph. Its story .                                                       This photograph is full of symbolism. There you can see my son with his kinesiology doctor. She is Argentinian and when she received my son he was only crawling with no hope of walking. Everybody told us that he would never walk. However, she said, "do you allow me to use all the necessary tools and methodology to help him? Do you promise not to cry when he may cry? Do you commit to be regular when exercising? "We decided to go ahead because the only thing he wanted was to walk. She helped him to be stronger and positive, to fjght frustration and keep smiling no matter the pain or how tired he could be. The result?: After a couple of years, he finally started to walk by himself without anybody's help. This picture was taken a month ago when my boy gave her a present as gratitude for all the effort and positive results. Some people have asked me: would you like your son to be l