Level 3 - Post 2 (week 4) Why did you choose this career/study programme?

Write about:
- your dream jobs when you were a child
- other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university
- what made you decide in the end
- your experience at university until now
- the kind of job you would like to have

 > word count: 130 words
 > don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts and on your teacher's post as well.
When I was a child, I used to dream of being a truck driver.
Obviously, my parents recommended me to study something with 'more future'. I never understood that.
After finishing my secondary education, I had to choose a career. I had a lot of possibilities: dentistry, lawyer, painter, etc. However, something  that I wrote in a copybook when I was in primary school was definite: I wanted to be a teacher of English. Coincidence?, destiny? I don't know. The only thing I am clear about is that I have never regreted becoming a teacher. On the contrary, I love working with human beings. My experience at this university has been fantastic. I can find nice people everywhere, and hard-working and respectful students. I I had to choose again, I would be a teacher.
Resultado de imagen para teacher cartoon


  1. It is great to know that he loves his profession, the vocation is important for you and for us students, you can know when a person loves his work.
    Good thing this makes you happy!

  2. it's great that you could meet your dream.

  3. it's fantastic! you loves what he does, today it is difficult to find the vocation in one

  4. It's good that you have fulfilled your dreams and it´s good that you are happy with your profession

  5. Good that he has fulfilled his dream! success in the future!

  6. You do a very good job, I'm glad you followed your dreams. Excellent!

  7. I glad to read that you love your job as a theacher!

  8. I like very much your first drem job!

  9. Interesting story! I'm glad you like the profession you chose, it was certainly a great choice! regards!

  10. How crazy you always knew what you would end up studying!!

  11. What a cute history, Do you keep painting? :)

  12. wooow! it was definitely no coincidence, how cool!

  13. You are a teacher very close to your students.
    It costs me a lot of English, thanks for your patience.

  14. What a nice blog, I love you have choose teaching life.

  15. I congratulate you for following your vocation, not many people do.

  16. Thank you for share you history, it´s cool that you decided to follow you vocation.

  17. im glad that u found your vocation and that u like working in the university aswell.


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