My favourite piece of technology

What it is
When you got it
How you use it
How often you use it
Why you like it
What life would be like without it.

- 140 words minimum.
- Include a picture. 
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

My favourite piece of technology
Technology is everywhere. I have different pieces of technology in my house. The one that I like the most is my Ipad. I bought it five years ago when I needed to attend a conference and I wanted to record as much as possible. I use it for saving documents and information in general, I can check and send emails, I can also take good pictures of what I need. I use mainly when I have to go away from my working place. I can be connected and I don't need a laptop for that. It is lighter and more comfortable and I can use it to play when I have some free time. Without it, I would be alive anyway but my life got less stressed when the Ipad appeared in my hands.


  1. Yes, it a lot the information that save the Ipad! Extraordinary!

  2. Good!!

    The main function of technology is to make our life more comfortable, unfortunately the human being has done very badly with this tool.


  3. it's amazing all the uses an ipad has!


  4. great !!!!!

    Nowadays, technology is an essential part of working, studying, having fun, etc.


  5. Undoubtedly one of the most top technology of the 21st century. Regards!

  6. Wow, sounds very comfortable having an Ipad. I like the photo of the cassetes by the way.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Amzing all the uses it has, it can be very useful for some people

  9. How incredible the capacity of the iPad. It's good that you feel less stressed.

  10. You bought your iPad a long time ago, it's awesome


  11. I always thought that the Ipad are uncomfortable because of their size, but I see that it has been very useful for you, great!!!

  12. I never had an ipad but for what you wrote it sounds like a good tool

  13. technology makes life easier in many ways !!

  14. I gree. The Ipad is very useful. It is lighter than a computer and allows you to do more things than a cell phone.

  15. I also like the iPad for the comfortable that it is

  16. its very similar like me but in differents years :D


  17. I like your favorite device, it goes out of the ordinary


  18. Today, technological objects are very necessary, make things easier and keep us connected with others.

  19. It is also one of my favorites, for its large number of uses.


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